Business Process Management – Identify, Implement and Automate
Are you keen on managing your business processes? With so many great benefits attached to it, it wouldn’t be surprising if every business wants to get into the BPM.
Before doing so, these are the important steps that you should be aware of to make the most out of this process:
1. Identify the bottlenecks - Go through processes and identify the one that delays delivery or causes chaos in your company. Taking a stroll through your office and talking to the employees will immediately give a good idea of how difficult or chaotic some of the processes are. When you look deeper, it will be easier to identify that many of them have time-consuming processes or obstacles. People’s inefficiency and lack of digital access can also cause this situation.
2 . Understand How Different Companies Handle it - Instead of immediately implementing a process, find how companies handle the same issue. Studying the industry and knowing how other companies, including your competitors handle the situation gives you a perspective of how others solve similar problems. It can help you learn valuable lessons and avoid the pitfalls when defining the business process flow. The use case scenario will identify practical difficulties before automating certain aspects of the process.
3. Find the Process that Needs Automation Immediately - Focus on what you need the most than the processes that you desire to be automated. Instead of simply focusing on the customer front, consider automating processes within your company that will impact handling deadlines and overall process quality. A common mistake that most decision-makers will do is trying to automate multiple processes at once. Focus on where the most crucial pain points are and implement the business process step by step rather than trying to do them all at once.
4. Setup a Game Plan for this New Process Automation Implementation - Create a strategy to ensure the implementation is seamless and done through steps. Understand how completely changing the way your company operates will impact your organization, your teams, and the morale of your employees. If it creates more chaos than streamlining, the entire purpose of implementing something new becomes void. Empower your marketing, financial, IT, and other teams to help employees throughout this digital process automation so that the transition is seamlessly handled, one step at a time.
5. Handle Process Change and Measure its ROI - Everything from training and implementation up until ROI should be measured in the final. Implementing, innovating, and automating is not where it ends. As the leader or decision-maker in this entire process, you should help the employees get trained, understand, and handle process change. When it is handled with professional perfection, they will be inclined to adopt change better in the future. Create an ROI measurement chart to ensure it inspires the top management to invest more in digital transformation as the world moves towards AI and cloud-based Data management as a next big thing.
A powerful business process management software can help you to automate from one end to another while having total control over all the confidential data being handled. Some organizations are skeptical about allowing their documents to be uploaded to the cloud due to data security concerns but that fear is is unfounded as the cloud servers such as AWS and Azure have rock-solid security and our offered BPM is absolutely compatible for these cloud providers and can handle its security with assurance. Business Process Management is the need of the hour and our software will help you to achieve your targets and improve productivity every step of the way.
But managing a distributed workforce has its limitations
The areas of concerns have been both sector specific and cross industry. The initial concerns across industries were around security of data and potential impact on productivity, either due to infrastructure quality or due to the lack of supervision, especially for novice associates. Solutions have been quickly deployed whether it’s about upgrading the home internet of the associates working from home, or deploying technology to ensure supervisors constantly stay in touch. Collaboration tools like Cisco’s Webex, Google’s Hangout, Zoom and Skype, have proved to be great enablers and served to assuage some of these concerns.
There will be some industry-specific challenges, such as the inability to record customer calls remotely in a WFH environment, or potential PII data exposure, which necessitates additional controls due to the sensitivity of information.
Multifunctional versus siloed functional centers/shared services:
Single locations with a significant chunk of work for a specific function serving global customers constitute a higher degree of risk, and companies will look to de-risk operations. This necessitates multiple service lines at a given location, and to the extent it’s viable, looking at more than one low-cost location with exposure to critical work packages. While a concurrent global crisis may make multiple locations look inconsequential, the varying degree of the crisis does make a difference. When initially the China centers were hit, other global locations picked up the slack. Now, however, the China delivery centers for most are operational, with some even working with a reasonable mix of office and WFH.
Accelerated standardization and platform services:
The adoption of standard platforms and work for cross industry processes has been rather tepid, with multiple reasons ranging from the limitations of company-specific systems to process nuances. New age companies have lesser limitations, but most Fortune 500 companies have existed long before the internet. Imagine a multi-tenant, cloud-based platform, where 70% - 80% of the work is fungible, while the truly company-specific nuances account only for the balance 20%. In such a scenario, cross trained resources can be deployed quickly. Combine with it the points on training and location discussed above, the ability to respond would increase exponentially.